
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Goals for 2014

So, 2014 is now upon us.  That means that we're all just a little older.  Maybe a little wiser.  Well, I'm probably not any wiser.  I'm more contemplative, certainly.  With that in mind, I'd like to share some goals that I have set for myself for this new year.  These aren't resolutions, because resolutions don't seem to work.

Finish the 1985 Figures

This should be fairly straight forward.  I only have 10 figures left to get from this group: Roadbuster, Whirl, Barrage, Chop Shop, Ransack, Downshift, Overdrive, and the Powerdashers.  I could probably just cut out the Powerdashers and get the other 6 and be happy.  More on that in a bit.

Enjoy the Collection

I've been so busy over the past year trying to add to the collection that I haven't really had a lot of time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.  I've gotten quite a few (to me) figures this year, and I haven't really taken the time to, uh, play with them.  Perhaps "play" isn't the right word, but I can't think of a better one.  What I've been doing is getting figures, transforming them a few times, and then they go into the displays never to be touched again.  It's sad.  Time to rectify that. get a little more child-like.

Like this dude.  Maybe better dressed.  Maybe.
If I'm to enjoy my collection more, that means there are some figures that will not be added to the collection.  There are really only a few figures that I've been dragging my feet on - the Powerdashers and the Mini Spies.  I just really have no desire to be anywhere near them.  Does that make me a bad collector?  I don't know and I don't really care.  It's my collection, and I want to have a collection that I like, so no Powerdashers and no Mini Spies.  Yay!

Get a Japanese Exclusive Figure

I've been circling this one for quite some time.  After seeing so many posts about Japanese figures, I've gotten the thirst for some Japanese exclusive figures.  The only thing that has kept me back has been the prices.  I actually tried to bid on the infamous Galaxy Shuttle  auction a few months ago, but I came to my senses before the auction hit new records of crazy. 

After the auction, I actually got extremely reticent about Japanese figures, as I don't want to spend the kids' college tuition on a few figures.  Doing my little favorite past time of making lists and weighing the pros and cons of a situation, I've decided which Japanese figures I really want: Star Saber, Dai Atlas, Overlord, Dezarus and Raiden.  The rest are nice, but these are what I'm really after.  If all goes according to plan (which it never does), I'll have one of these guys this year.  After I get these 5, I may set my sights on figures like Go-Shooter, Minerva, and Artfire.
Coming soon to my collection?  I hope so.

Become More Involved in the Fandom

This one is a little harder for me.  I'm kind of involved in a few Facebook groups, but nothing major.  I've had accounts on AllSpark and TFW2005 for over a decade now and I think I may have posted 4 times this year on each forum.  I need to fix this.  I've always just felt that it was a bit hard to join in on the conversations at these forums.  There is just so much history there that it's a bit daunting to me.  Perhaps if I had actually done more than lurk over the past decade, I wouldn't feel this way.  No matter, somehow, some way, I will be a presence on the boards.  Look for me.

Four goals for the year sounds simple enough, yes?  What about the rest of you?  Do any of you have any goals for the year?


  1. It's funny you mention becoming more involved in the fandom community. I get more news and interact with more people now days on Facebook. I don't post on TFW near as much anymore.

    You picked some good Japanese figures to go after. I've got one half of Raiden. I love trains. I can't wait to complete him, but the single Trainbots just don't seem to appear as often as they used too.

    1. I really want the connections, truth be told. And to talk to others about collecting. It could just be I'm not in the right Facebook groups. The bigger one I'm in seems to be about proving who the biggest fan is and showing off. I'm a fan of showing off, obviously, but I was hoping for more actual discussion. The others seem to be good, just quiet.

  2. My goal is to prune efficiently. That is about the only goal I have for the year, but as it is an ongoing one it could be difficult. Sorry about feeding the demon so to speak, but it looks like you have a lot of good goals set for yourself!

    1. You haven't fed the demon. Ever since I found out about Japanese TFs, I've been wanting some. Reading about them just gave me an excuse! I think my goals are pretty easy for this year, as long as I can find a good Whirl without going bankrupt...

  3. I think you have yourself some very attainable goals for this year. I really like how you want to enjoy your collection more. This is definitely one area in which I need to participate in myself. My trouble is I tend to prefer MISB items so for me to open it up is sort of a waste of money. I'll have to pick up some loose ones at a few shows to play with.

    I need to worked on my G1 collection in general but to get them the way I want is going to cost me so I may need to think of some compromises and forego getting everything MISB.


    1. Enjoying the collection more is the most important goal for me right now. I don't want the fun to be drained. And you're MISB comments just gave me an idea for a blog post! Thanks!

  4. I have a few collecting goals this year, but the main one is to clear out my Star Wars collection and refocus on MPs, along with a few select figures from other lines. Already started well with MP Acid Storm (he was a bargain), now I just need to do some selling...

    You've got some great goals. Enjoying the collection should help you to really value what each piece means to you, and engaging in the community is always fun. I'm TJapes over at TFW if you want to say hello, btw!

  5. I'm gonna look you up! And Acid Storm is a good start. That's a great mold.

  6. If you're going to go for Japanese figures, I would recommend steering clear of ebay and hitting up the sales threads on TFW and the like. It's a good way to find them at killer deals.

    my goals are basically wrap up US G1, I have a ton of pretenders to get, a few of the 86 characters TMs, one more powerdasher (jet) and actionmasters. I would like to wrap up Japanese exclusives too, but even if I only have under 20 figures to get for that collection, it's a crazy feat, and my wallet won't agree with me lol. Euro ones seem more do able

    1. Oh, yeah, I am definitely not going to get the Japanese exclusives on eBay and that's why I need to get active on the boards. I need to make those connections. I haven't thought about the Euro guys. Thankfully, my wife doesn't read this blog. And thanks for stopping by!

  7. Just discovered your blog from jumping between several other TF bloggers (I post on tumblr as theassortment) - I've got a similar goal of completing my 1985 set, and my need list is almost exactly the same as yours, except I've got the Omnibots but not Inferno or Hoist, and I'm lacking a Ramjet.

    Roadbuster will probably be the toughest of those, especially if you want to get him with all his missiles.

    1. I only own Camshaft, as far as the Omnibots go, right now. I keep getting hung up Overdrive. Everyone I see seems to have chrome issues on his legs and I just gave up looking for Downshift. That's a search that will have to step up. You're right about Roadbuster - there was a glut of them last year on the market, but they seem to have dried up. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope that you continue stopping by!

  8. Hi, just been reading through the blog and this seemed a good place to post first.
    My goals for this year are Shockwave and Reflector. They're the two I want to finish the year with plus any other good deal I can find. I also want to get a Voltron. I've always wanted one and I just started watching it with my son.
    Enjoying the blog, keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I got my Shockers last year and really overpaid for it for some reason, according to shmax. Are you getting the Anniversary Voltron? I've been in and out with that one. I have (most) of my original one and I might just finish it instead. Nothing like the classics.

    2. No I'm going to go for the original go-lion/matchbox mold. It's a bit bulkier which is how I remember the toy, at least from the box. I might even go a Lion Bot, cheaper and with more accessories, fires its weapons and still made by the company that made the Matchbox one.

    3. The Matchbox one is the one I have. I really need to complete him...
